Communicating = Dating

Communication = Dating

Did you know that 95 percent of Americans own a cell phone of some kind? Of those, 77 percent of American adults own a smartphone, up from 35 percent in Pew Research’s first survey on smartphone ownership in 2011.

Depending on your target demographic, the likelihood that your audience is reading what you wrote, shared, posted, or emailed via mobile is pretty high. So, what does that mean for communicators?

Designing a message for a specific platform is more important than ever. I like to think of each platform as a stage of dating.  


Twitter is like the pick up line in dating. Find the right voice for your story. Does your story have pithy wit? Are you suave and cool? Is your brand more sincere? Use this platform to introduce yourself in the best, but briefest way possible. You’re not asking for phone numbers, yet. You’re just smiling across the room. 


Now that you’ve said hello, show off how pretty you are. Really. This platform is all about the looks. Find your best angle – just try to avoid MySpace selfies – and share it with your prospect. Just like in dating, you want to show your best side first. So, be sure to get some feedback from honest friends and colleagues before posting.


Facebook is the next step. You’ve shown your pretty pictures on Instagram. You’ve shared your quick wit on Twitter. Now, it’s time to woo with the marriage of both. Share a little more about your story, but don’t give it all away. You’re still getting to know each other in this analogy. Leave ‘em wanting more.



Continuing the dating analogy, email is where the relationship gets serious. It’s where the longer conversations happen. You show more of yourself, give more details. Yes, you still have to be clever and witty – especially in those subject lines. But, the other person has already given you their contact info. You’ve hooked them. Using the platform to tell your story and connect further is the important part now.  

As in dating, all of this is pretty subjective. Finding the right platform mix will depend entirely on your target demographic.

For further information on preferred platforms, check out these survey results from Navar Consumer Reports or this report from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.


  1. And just like in dating, know every platform and every post isn't Mr./Mrs. Right. Don't waste time lamenting time spent trying or when it's an epic fail!

    1. Yes, Kay! That's 100% true. It helps to know who you want to talk to and then go where they are. In a previous blog, I shared this Pew Research study with some data on social media platform use demographics:

  2. So what if I wanna put a ring on it? Is that snail mail? Door to door?

    1. Putting a ring on it means you're really serious. You need a plan and a policy. (See this week's blog for the policy part.)


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